"Special Artwork for your Interior"

Suchen Sie ein passendes Kunstwerk für Ihr Zuhause, Büro, Ihre nächste Geburtstagsfeier, Taufe, Baby-Party oder etwa ein persönliches Geschenk für Ihre Liebsten?!

Ihr persönliches Kunstwerk wird auf Wunsch gemalt, gezeichnet oder gestaltet!

Bei Fragen zu Ihrem einzigartigen Bild stehe ich Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung!

Worauf warten?! Jetzt Kontakt aufnehmen!


Portraits & More

Geschäftsauslagen – verkaufsorientierte Gestaltung

Event – ART ACT

Die Künstlerin Karoline ist bei deiner Hochzeit, zeichnet oder malt Vorort für dich, und hält deinen besonderen Tag auf Papier fest.

Sie macht durch ihren unverkennbaren Zeichenstil deinen Hochzeitstag unvergesslich!

Gezeichnete Stimmungsbilder als Einzelstücke zu deiner Hochzeit!

Jetzt unverbindlich anfragen:


◊ Individuelle und maßgeschneiderte Aufträge 

◊ Einzigartige Dekorationen

◊ Verkaufsorientierte Produktpräsentationen für Geschäftsauslagen

Wünsche und Vorstellungen zu Änderungen der Innenausstattung Ihrer Wohn- oder Büroräume setzen wir in die Tat um. Dekorationen für Geschäftsauslagen realisieren wir nach Vereinbarung sehr gerne und gleichermaßen kreieren wir Auftragswerke mit speziellen Motiven oder einer persönlichen Besonderheit.

◊ High Quality Custom Art

◊ Handmade - Signed - Unique 

◊ Made in Austria

T-Shirts, Sweaters & Hoodies!

Art Kögl T-Shirts are now available !
You can choose one of the artworks as a print-motif !

follow us on Facebook and Instagram !

"Art is a part of my life and I don't want to be without it. My goal is to create communication that makes an impact and leads to exchange. Communication is definitely the key to our world and painting the medium for the illustration of uncommunicable emotions, ideas and impressions."

Karoline Kögl, an artist with fire, dynamic and vision. She conveys excitement and release. To stand in front of her large paintings means to immerse into space. She is searching for dimensions swept up in a game of color, structure and statement. The conflict between city and countryside, nature interpreted by her progresses with city map - collages to room, to freedom . The paintings start with two dimensions which unfold to a transition into color, depth, space - of the third dimension. She wants and can impart the tension." W.P.


"K. Kögl's artwork creates room in a special way for the free interpretation of the viewer without losing artistic character or the individual imprint of the artist. She combines her own creativity with that of the viewer, whereby each artwork unites two passions or fantasy. And it's this playful freedom that works for me." M.F.


Determined colored brushstrokes are also the protagonists in the work of the Austrian Karoline Kögl. The depicted landscape is close to the abstract with tendencies to dissolution. The white of the mountains is in harmony with the red on the right, which seems to flow, ethereal, like an impalpable wind that leaves the viewer free to lose himself in this magnificent infinity.


This is the kind of Art I want to hang in every room of my house! The colors are so rich and vibrantThese painting or collages are full of the kind of depth that keeps me captivated time and again. Her works use color and texture in a way I’ve never seen before. These works have their own majestic voice that keeps me coming back for more.


Am the proud owner of 2 Karoline Kögl's ART artworks and will certainly buy more.I like the kind of art Karoline designs and creates. Really beautiful unique works of art.


I like these pictures very much, because I think they stylishly combine reality with a "fantasy world" and for people both worlds are important.


Karoline is a wonderful person with heart and character and an artist through and through.

Her creative passion manifests itself in her images... for eternity.

Also for me as a photographer, a teamwork with Karo is always a creative firework. She is always in a good mood, spontaneous, REAL, natural and professional at the same time... SO ART IS FUN.


I like it very much.


Karoline is truly an exceptional artist. Her works sparkle with energy and expressiveness. Since last year, we are the proud owners of one of her commissioned works, which she has perfectly implemented for us with great attention to detail and which we enjoy day after day!


For me, Karoline's works are in a certain way multidimensional. If you look at them for a longer time, different perspectives open up from which you can choose. Do you now look out on the distant, great horizon, up into the vastness of the universe, or down into the depths of the world (or the soul)? And much more! One can choose.


A visit of the art studio and a presentation of the works of art are possible at any time. Contact me by email.
